Today there was a blizzard. Unfortunately I didn't capture any pictures of the snow today :( But the great thing about snow is that it'll all be there tomorrow! IE check back for photos...
In case you didn't hear, we here in MN got over a foot of snow in less than 24 hours. This lead to the buses shutting down, along with many other businesses. It even got so bad that the snow plows stopped working!!! WHAT?!?! The Vikings game is even rescheduled to Monday night because the Giants couldn't make it in and because they were nervous that the dome might cave in due to the amount of snow on the Metrodome. WOWSERS! Who would've thought a little snow could do so much damage!
This snowstorm did provide in quite a productive day for me though!!! I slept at Sam's last night and I didn't make it back to my house until after 2 PM and then Karen and I had to shovel the driveway to get her car into the garage. Thanks to help from Lori, one of the girls who lives above me, it only took us about a half hour to shovel! Then Karen and I decided to finally defrost our fridge.... which we needed to do about a month ago. Ooops!
After this I started work on some cinnamon raisin bread. I've been meaning to make some for a while now, but haven't had enough time to devote to bread. When I found out I got called off of work tonight I knew that I HAD to make bread. Here's the final product:
I used a recipe from the Joy of cooking, but I modified it a little bit because I didn't have any butter. Thus I used 2 Tbsp of butter flavored shortening and then 3 Tbsp of vegetable oil. I am trying to rid my diet of white flour so I substituted whole wheat and whole wheat pastry flour. I also decided to use agave nectar instead of sugar to sprinkle on the dough before rolling it up. In retrospect it definitely didn't turn out the same because you didn't get the buttery sugary goodness that you do when you use real butter and sugar. I will say that it still was REALLY good, but different. If I made it again I would use more agave nectar and cinnamon before rolling it up. It would also be interesting to use stevia or truvia. I wonder if you'd get the same reaction as sugar if I used this? Perhaps I'll give it a try on the next snow day ;)
I also used my time today to get some homework done. I finished a paper and an assignment. On tomorrow's agenda is proof reading the paper and completing my biostats homework.
OOO before I forget I wanted to say that last night I went xmas light house viewing with Sam. All in all it was fun! But some of the houses were just not as cool as the others. This one was my favorite
It had EVERYTHING, santa, the grinch, snowmen, reindeer, snowflakes in the trees, etc. We ended up driving by this one twice because we liked it so much! Luckily it didn't start snowing until after we had driven around ;) We did stop for some beer and apps at Park Tavern. We were there for just over an hour and by the time we got outside it had snowed nearly an inch!!!
OK well I'll get outside in the morning tomorrow to snap some photos of the snow. I somehow don't think that the pictures will do the snow justice, but maybe just maybe...
So excited to go to bed so I can wake up and have some Christmas blend Starbucks coffee :) I LOVE this stuff!